OK, I have to admit Red Zone Cuba (aka Night Train to Mundo Fine) was so staggeringly bad, I had to consult IMDB and Wikipedia to help me sort things out. Let’s just say convict Coleman Francis (yes, the same fellow featured in two of the three Lemon Grove Kids films) goes to Cuba with his two pals, then returns. Occasionally they are on or in a train, but not always. In the interim, we witness several crimes (mostly by Coleman) and firing squad executions (mostly by Cubans). Fidel Castro looks like a shaved Gabe Kaplan with a fake beard glued back on. At least John Carradine is not a doctor in this picture.
“The Skydivers” will complete my Coleman Francis education (Yucca Flats was Coleman’s masterpiece). Perhaps I can use my fear of heights as an excuse to avoid it?
ALSO, if anyone has The Last of the American Hoboes, PLEASE CONTACT ME! I referred to this film in an earlier Coleman Francis entry. Hoboes was directed by none other than Titus Moede who played Boo Boo in Rat Pfink A Boo Boo.
“The Skydivers” will complete my Coleman Francis education (Yucca Flats was Coleman’s masterpiece). Perhaps I can use my fear of heights as an excuse to avoid it?
ALSO, if anyone has The Last of the American Hoboes, PLEASE CONTACT ME! I referred to this film in an earlier Coleman Francis entry. Hoboes was directed by none other than Titus Moede who played Boo Boo in Rat Pfink A Boo Boo.
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