Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Lang Jr. Finishes New Lemon Groves Kids Script!

Hey, everyone! Lang Jr. is at it again. He just finished his latest Lemon Grove Kid's treatment and is ready to share it with the world.

This edition, called "Lemon Grove Kids do an Atomic Sit-up", features all the characters you've come to know and love! Slug, Fatso, and the others teach Gopher how to do an "Atomic Sit-up!"

Thanks, again, Lang Jr.! Your talent is astounding!

Lang Jeffries, Sr.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Lang Jr.,

I represent a major Hollywood studio, and am interested in buying this treatment.

Money is no object. Please let me know if a million dollars is enough...for a start!

J. B. Rockefeller
Chairman of the Board
Magnum Studios
Hollywood CA

Anonymous said...

Only One Million? Cheapskate!

I must have this treatment -- I offer TWO million, and not a penny less!

Cecil B. DeMillions
Incredibly Spectacular Productions
Hollywood CA

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