It was no laughing matter when ailing comedian Soupy Sales was recently hit in the face by a pie. The custard cream special was thrust into the air when a waitress tripped on a rug at Del’s Restaurant in Tampa. The pie landed square on Soupy’s kisser, clogging his nostrils, and sending the octogenarian into a seizure. Nearby patrons laughed heartily at the antics, oblivious to his struggle for life. Paramedics arrived shortly on the scene and found Sales in near comatose state. They rushed Soupy into critical at the hospital where he remained on life support for two days.
Close relatives who were asked whether to continue mechanical support of the comedian’s life were spared a decision when Soupy began breathing on his own late last week. “Please don’t tell Uncle Soupy I said it was OK to pull the plug,” said fifty-four year-old nephew Warren Hines.
rrrr rrurrrr rrrr
White Fang
No, I'm not sure if you're in his will or not...
L. Jr.
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