For those of you who enjoyed the Lemon Groves Kids films, you should note that "Big Ed" was played by none other than the great B-film director, Coleman Francis. Coleman's legacy includes "Beast of Yucca Flats", "The Skydivers", and "Night Train to Mondo Fine". I have only seen the first of these cinema classics (Yucca Flats) and can attest to its awfulness. I am told (and will have no trouble believing) the others are equally as bad. The dialog (or should I say monologue, see title above) -- done entirely through voice over -- should give you an indication of the film's quality. Coleman also starred in "The Last American Hobo"; a film about hobos. Poor Coleman was eventually "caught up in the wheels of progress" and passed away in 1973.
For those interested in seeing Yucca, let me know. You can borrow my copy.
Ahh yes, The Skydivers. A movie where advancing a plot point as simple as getting a cup of coffee takes 45 minutes to complete. I also learned that when in a vertical free fall, the last 2000 feet go by really quickly.
For more of Tor Johnson's legacy, I recommend "The Unearthly" if you haven't seen it.
-Clayton John Reynolds
I have seen neither, but have added "The Unearthly" to my Netflix queue.
I noticed this is the third picture in which Tor Johnson played a character called "Lobo".
Thankfully he was Dr. Joseph Javorsky only once.
Lang Jr.
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