Sorry for the lack of recent posts; on vacation and whatnot. I'm also working on a dynamite piece featuring BOTH Elvis and Sam Katzman -- NOT TO BE MISSED!
Exciting news to report on, however! Even though no one entered the contest for the free T-shirt, Lang scored his own personal t-shirt ("The Master Would Not Be Pleased"), a birthday gift from the Tea Lady herself...therefore a plug is in order! Visit her at: http://barbsteashop.blogspot.com/
The T-shirt enhances my svelte figure, particularly the beer gut, which expands this website's URL (very handy!)
TCM note: Though TCM has dumped their usual Friday night goodies in August, they pick up again in September. Set the DVR for 2:00 a.m. on Friday September 5, and record the DOUBLE STECKLER BILL of Incredibly Strange Creatures, followed immediately by Rat Pfink a Boo Boo.
ALSO, the picture above is taken from Steckler's latest Opus, "One More Time", a non-sequal sequal [the Steckler spelling of "sequel"] to Incredibly Strange (that's Steckeler himself in the blue hoodie). The non-autographed version is $20.00 plus $3.00 shipping, while the autographed version is...oh, $20.00, plus $3.00 shipping. Go directly to http://www.raydennissteckler.com/ , if you dare!
Many thanks for the blog plug. I think your devoted fans are very interested in reading all about my rich-in-detail tea stories. But, seriously, who could not be rivited by my lengthy account of Paragon tea cups? Even I find myself rereading that entry often and am still left wanting more. I hope I have more to say on that in the very near future.
But, back to the blog at hand. Steckler's website is another interesting read. I do think he is mistaken about Citizen Cane not having a sequal, although, R.D. is correct in it not being a good idea. It was released to limited audiences and proved to be a humiliating flop. Titled, "Kissen Kitizen Kanes", it featured Orson Wells in a double roll - as Kit Kane and his lookalike "Kouzin", Kody.
As a musical, it disappointed loyal fans of the original. And, Wells, having made many powerful enemies, could no longer get the big financiers to bankroll another high quality feature. In what was supposed to be the feel-good, grand finale, Kane and "Kody" dance and sled in the snow, singing "Rose-buddies". Kody is obviously some exra in a cheap parka. This lead the Hollywood boy-genius into a downward spiral and eventual pitchman for Paul Masson wines, etc.
His credo: "We shall make no sequal before its time, only extensions".
Lady C,
I am familiar with "Kissin' Kitizen Kanes", and agree that the execution of the Kane and counrty cousin' Kody doppelganger effect hardly met the high-standards of the original.
And although I was dissapointed that the elaborate picnic that Kane put on was not a showcase for a tune like "Clambake", I enjoyed the number "She Stunk Like Goop" when Kane wrote the opera review for his wife.
Interesting note: Boss "Hogg" Gittes was played by none other than Red West Sr.!
L jr.
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