In a new book published posthumously by a former Nazi clown, Henrik VonGaber recounts a chilling tale of humor forced upon the innocent. VonGaber was part of Hitler's Schitzengiggles Korps, or SGK, an elite team of circus clowns assembled for the purpose of providing levity in a wartime environment. "Our goal was to lift the spirits of families and children throughout Germany. When they weren't entertained, we went into action," confesses VonGaber.
According to the author, the SKG would march into town, usually univited, and begin attacking hassidic citizens with a live-action "Punch and Jüden" show. One of their specialties was to have twenty seven clowns file out of a Panzer tank. If the reaction wasn't uproarious laughter, the tank would fire live rounds into the audience. "The camera was on," said VonGaber. "We could not afford to be unfunny."