Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ray Dennis Steckler is Dead

Ray Dennis Steckler passed away on Wednesday, January 7th in his sleep. He was 70 years old.

Coincidentally, I was recently gifted on Christmas Eve with an autographed copy of "One More Time", Ray's follow-up to "Incredibly Strange Creatures..." (three cheers to Tea Lady a Boo Boo!)

On the back of the DVD case, he had asked that I send him an email with a review of the "2 pix" (also included was Reading Pennsylvania). I was tempted, but felt a little guilty, nagged by my "high-brow" attitude toward his work. I was impressed, however, by the note, and will treasure it always. I haven't viewed the DVD's yet -- he had actually autographed those as well.

To ensure I was getting the latest news on RDS, I had created a Google alert with "Ray Dennis Steckler" as the search criteria. Believe it or not, I set it up on Monday. I about soiled my diaper when I read the search results this morning. Stunned.

This blog didn't review his oeuvre favorably, but after taking in a few hours worth of Steckler interviews, I can say with honesty that Ray took his career and his films seriously, and seemed to be pretty good guy.

Cash, we are expecting footage of your final trip soon, with Saint Peter wearing a bedsheet from Wal Mart, being chased through the Pearly Gates by Torgo. Although your budgets you small, you were anything but an "amatuer" (spelling taken from end sequence of a The Lemon Grove Kids short).


Anonymous said...


I'm shocked and saddened by the news of Ray Dennis Steckler. Glad you brought him into our lives once again. Although he may have received mixed reviews, no one will argue he was an original.

(Also glad we bought this for a Christmas present instead of waiting for your birthday.)

What an honor that he was interested in what Lang had to say re: his movies. Thanks for contributing to the new milenium revival of Cash Flag.

Tonight TL a Boo Boo is TL a Boo Hoo. : (

E. Engman said...

Thanks for the condolences, Tea Lady. And thanks for sharing that "Incredibly Strange Creature" with us.

L. J. jr.

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