"A Slap in the face of every corpse in America!"
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Crummyandhardtofind has uncovered shocking evidence behind next summer’s sacking of Tonight Show host Jay Leno. According to a confidential study obtained by CAHTF, NBC is dumping the lantern-jawed host because demographics show his viewership is dying off at an alarming rate. The network predicts that by March 2009, only 1,840 Leno fans are expected to be alive, and by the July transition, only 57 senior stragglers will still be drawing breath.
Leno was Johnny Carson’s hand-picked successor for the popular Tonight Show when Carson retired in 1992. It was a controversial choice, as Carson bypassed the funnier, edgier Dave Letterman, who would have brought with him a younger demographic. According to the study, the few people who found Leno funny in 1992 were already in their seventies and most didn’t get Letterman’s jokes.
But NBC seems to be neglecting Leno’s potential larger audience – dead people. Former Love Boat star Bernie Kopell is the spokesman for Silent Majority, a Political Action Group based in Washington, D.C. which champions the rights of dead people. (Kopell was selected because of his death-like appearance).
“It’s all about the money,” stated Kopell. “The big networks are unashamedly pandering to living viewers in response to recent consumer studies that show that living viewers outspend their dead counterparts by a ratio of 100 to 0. If you ask me, this is a slap in the face to every corpse in America.”
NBC Vice-president of Programming Bill Fredly responded to the accusation. “Dead people still have The Price is Right and Jimmy Kimmel. As such, we don’t feel we need to compete for that market at this time.”
Silent Majority is considering litigation against NBC to test recent legislation that prohibits discrimination against the dead.
CAHTF will stay on top of this burning controversy and bring you the latest news at it happens.