But for those who have collected enough Kroger Bux, now is the time to cash them in! This beautiful shirt featuring everyone's favorite Satyr "Torgo" is available to the first blogger who has collected 5,000 Kroger Bux.
The shirt is made of 100% cotton with the crummyandhardtofind URL prominently displayed. Makes a great Christmas gift!
i am getting a torgo t-shirt for sure. amazing. I'll be printing up a batch of counterfeit kroger bucks soon.
I don't want you to go to prison for this offense, although I think this may be one asset worth fooling the T-men on.
I'm working with the gov't to include a shirt with each unmailed economic stimulus check!
L. jr.
We love the t-shirt. I hope I get enough Kroger bucks by Christmas because I would love to redeem one and wear it with my New Year's Eve hat.
Also, I want to share with you some of my own comments on a not terribly awful movie I watched this weekend, "It Happened at the World's Fair", starring Elvis. Other famed actors: Yvonne Craig (aka Barbara Gordon/Batgirl) and a young Kurt Russel, who kicks Elvis in the shins. I didn't see the beginning and couldn't stay up to see the end, but I'd still like to do a review. It's pretty much standard Elvis fare (Lange, if I could label my comment, I would call it, "Elvis Fare at the Fair") - but the real star of the movie is the Washington World's Fair of the ealy 1960's. Remember when a monorail was a big deal? Reminded me of a family trip in 1967. We went to Expo '67 - 4 adults and 5 kids in one small camper. I was really little,so the thing that impressed me the most was when we stopped at an all-you-can-eat cafeteria on the fair grounds for dinner and my cousin loaded up his plate with only beans and french fries. My aunt and uncle were really mad, as they didn't notice until after he got through the line. Who needed to see the "World of Tomorrow" with a cousin like that to entertain you?
And, yes, "It REALLY Did Happen at the World's Fair".
ps - Love your tea cozies. How many KB's for those lovely items?
Lady C,
I remember that trip as well. Our cousin was a bit of a scalawag; as you remember he said that cutting in line was "encouraged" as it sped up access to a ride.
And who can forget the first terrified: "Hi, my name is Fred Hammond!"
But getting back to business, "It Happened at the World's Fair" happens to be one of Elvis's better pictures. I have yet to introduce you to the great Sam Katzman (an upcoming article for sure). Sam was responsible for two of Elvis's worst, including the rotten "Harem Scarum". More to come!
L jr.
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