I caught the last hour of the 1964 classic "For Those Who Think Young" tonight on TCM. Generously awarded one star, this teenage drive-in pic features fey fussbudget Paul Lynde, a young Ellen Burstyn (using the name Ellen McRae), the spectacularly unfunny Woody Woodbury ("It's Woody's Weedin' Time") and an unbilled combo whose 30 second number sets a record for forgetability. Not enough? How about a brunette Nancy Sinatra, a hot Tina Louise, and Bob Denver as "Kelp"?
And like seaweed, this film belongs at the bottom of the ocean floor. Highlight is Denver's face-painted "singing" chin filmed upside down (inspiration for Sir Ghastly's "The Blob"?). According to Denver, his head was wrapped in so many towels, he had trouble lip-syncing because he couldn't hear the music. What price Hollywood?
I urge you to get pencil and paper and record this important information: You can purchase a Christmas ornament with the Skipper's caricature on it from Bob's website (in the Gilligan's Gift Gallery, of course!)! Here's where to order:
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