Like a cliche in a courtroom drama, Victor Payton, Director of Purchasing at the Chevrolet division of General Motors, burst into the congressional chamber waving a folder in his upraised fist. "F*ck the loan," shouted Payton, "we just integrated Plinko into our supply chain!" Most of the observers stood and cheered, a few looked stunned, and one guy sh*t his pants. For years, the domestic automakers have been searching for the silver bullet that would make them competitive with foreign companies who don't have to deal with health care, unions, safety and environmental regulations, and protective trade laws. Although exact details are sketchy, most analysts feel that having Plinko integrated into the business model will make the domestics competitive once again. Plinko was first introduced on the Price is Right TV game show and has since gained wordlwide fame. Congressional leaders were invited to "try their luck" (although no cars were awarded during the program). First, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) dropped the plinko puck and scored 250. Then Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), a staunch opponent to the bailout package, was given a plinko puck and scored 1000. "This is great! I stand corrected -- I didn't realize how big an *sshole I was." McConnell wrote a check to GM on the spot for a whopping $15 billion dollars. "Who's next?" asked the smiling senator, checkbook in hand.
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