Monday, February 4, 2008

Breathe, My Beautiful Fish Man!

Breathe! Breathe! Breathe ! Breathe!

As we continue to study the respective oeuvres of Kroger Babb and Ray Dennis Steckler, let us not leave behind the work of the amazing Larry Buchanan who gave us "The Eye Creatures", "Mars Needs Women", and the incredible "Curse of the Swamp Creature".

Jeff Alexander -- playing Dr. Simond Trent (the role of a lifetime) -- is obsessed with the "oceanic theory of evolution" and turns normal people into ping-pong ball eyed swamp creatures. Ubiquitous B-movie star (and former Mr. Shirley Temple) John Agar stumbles into the fun. Features a swimming pool that has a current, alligators eating mattress sheets, and voodoo. "Tom," one of the experiments gone awry (and the "beautiful fish man" referenced above), is fed a turtle as a snack. Yum!

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